IOM's work within Work Package 1

Work Package 1: Scientific answers to regulatory questions

Work package 1 of the NANoREG project has the following key objectives: 

  • Identify, formulate and prioritize issues/questions regarding regulatory safety assessment and management of MNMs as demanded from the relevant authorities and stakeholders to be addressed in NANoREG.
  • Formulate answers to selected issues/questions using information collected by WP2 – 6.
  • Consolidate the information produced by the other WPs in order to develop an overall framework, in principle applicable for all/most types of legislations on how to address safety of nanomaterials.
  • Ensure an iterative development of answers to the regulatory questions. 

IOM organised a UK stakeholder workshop on Wednesday 26th June, 2013. The aim of the workshop was to inform interested stakeholders about the NANoREG project and to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to contribute toward framing the regulatory questions to be answered by the NANoREG project.  

IOM is participating in the work to integrate work packages of NANoREG, to ensure that focus is maintained on the regulatory questions. Within this, Professor Rob Aitken (IOM Edinburgh & Singapore) is leading liaison between work packages 1 and 3 (Exposure). 

In addition, IOM is taking a role in the development and implementation of Value Chain studies being undertaken by NANoREG, ensuring an adequate focus on current and emerging UK priorities. 

Finally, IOM will contribute to the development and refinement of an instrument toolbox, which will aim to assist regulators and legislators with decision making for managing nanosafety in the short to medium term.