IOM's work within Work Package 3

Work Package 3: Exposure through life cycle analysis

To support regulations it is critical to develop appropriate and harmonized procedures for exposure assessment incorporating as required measurements and modelling and use these approaches to collect the necessary data to elaborate exposure scenarios.

Work Package 3 has the following objectives: 

  • Characterization of real exposures (intensity and frequency) to humans (workers and consumers) and the environment through MNM life cycle.
  • Provision of companies and legislators with a set of tools for risk assessment and decision making for the short to medium-term, by gathering data and performing pilot risk assessment, including exposure monitoring and control, for a selected number of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) used in products;
  • To develop, for the long-term, new testing strategies adapted to a high number of MNMs for many factors susceptible to affect their environmental and health impact; and 
  • To bring together the activities of national authorities responsible for worker protection, public health and environment and create the basis for common approaches, mutually acceptable datasets and risk management practices.

IOM is the co-work package leader for WP3, which has the following 5 main tasks: 

IOM's work on these tasks will focus on both occupational and consumer exposure (environmental exposure is being considered by other project partners). 

For detailed information on IOM's work within each of these sub-tasks, please click on the links above.